
Francisco Rocha is a writer, translator and editor. Since he discorvered computeres, he fell in love with them and, thanks to Rosina Conde, he was fascinated by the editorial world. Due his obsesive-compulsive character, he dedicates body and soul to each and every job to offer the best possible solution to his costumers; there are no challenges that are too difficult for him. He's used to work under pressure and as he always says: "As a freelance I'm able and available to work while others rest (and so others can rest assured the work will be finished on time)."


He offers his work as a copywriter, creative and writer.
For the Internet he designs, develops and programs websites and interfaces. He has worked with several companies, among which are Ideario Publicidad, Casa de Arte SP and Dipdesign. He also manages webhosts and works as a webmaster. Among his last projects are:


As a freelance, he works on line and in the same channel as his costumers, always in contact. Deadlines and availability are not dictated by office hours, but by each project's needs. He always considers the communication objectives and requires before developing a project. He's specialized in management and development tools such as SEO, blogs, microsites, promotional sites, intranet et al., by using languages such as html, css, php, sql, etc., as he knows that digital design may be the first impact on his costumers' costumers.


Skype: quiahuitzin
e-mail: frocha@f-rocha.com
BR: (55-11) 98945-7067
